Shaw Prize 2018

Luis Caffarelli (wikipedia, homepage) from the University of Texas at Austin will receive the Shaw Prize 2018 in Mathematics (press release) for “his groundbreaking work on partial differential equations, including creating a theory of regularity for nonlinear equations such as the Monge–Ampère equation, and free-boundary problems such as the obstacle problem, work that has influenced … Continue reading "Shaw Prize 2018"

Thomas Friedrich 1949 – 2018

Thomas Friedrich was a German mathematian working in differential geometry and global analysis. He passed away in February 2018. Thomas Friedrich contributed substantially to the development of Berlin mathematics, he was Editor-in-Chief of the journal Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry for more than three decades (and also one of the founding editors-in-chief), and in 2003 he received the … Continue reading "Thomas Friedrich 1949 – 2018"

Strong cosmic censorship conjecture

The cosmic censorship conjectures concern the singularities arising in general relativity. In May the QuantaMagazine published an article (link) about a potential disproof of a strong version of the cosmic censorship conjecture. This article is nicely written and I recommend everybody interested in general relativity reading it. The preprint the QuantaMagazine refers to is arXiv:1710.01722 … Continue reading "Strong cosmic censorship conjecture"