Contractible 3-manifolds and positive scalar curvature, II

Let \((M,g)\) be a complete, contractible Riemannian \(3\)-manifold (without boundary). Chang-Weinberger-Yu (link) proved that if \((M,g)\) has uniformly positive scalar curvature, then \(M\) must be homeomorphic to \(\mathbb{R}^3\). Recently (arXiv:1906.04128), Wang proved that if \((M,g)\) has positive scalar curvature and \(M\) has trivial fundamental group at infinity, then \(M\) must be homeomorphic to \(\mathbb{R}^3\). Jiang … Continue reading "Contractible 3-manifolds and positive scalar curvature, II"

Spaces of positively curved Riemannian metrics

It is by now a classical topic in index theory to study on a (closed) Riemannian (spin) manifold the space of all Riemannian metrics of positive scalar curvature. We have several results showing that this space is usually highly complicated from a homotopy theoretic point of view (provided it is non-empty). Instead of studying positivity … Continue reading "Spaces of positively curved Riemannian metrics"