Positive vs nonnegative sectional curvature

The sectional curvature is one of the main invariants of Riemannian manifolds. But despite its importance, there is actually little known about questions like: What is the distinction (for closed manifolds) between admitting a metric of positive sectional curvature vs admitting a metric of nonnegative sectional curvature? Another problem is also to distinguish positive sectional … Continue reading "Positive vs nonnegative sectional curvature"

Hilbert spaces and C*-algebras without Choice

Today a paper was posted on the arXiv by Blackadar, Farah and Karagila (arXiv:2304.09602) that examines Hilbert spaces and C*-algebras in ZF set theory without the assumption of any Axiom of Choice (not even with Countable Choice). Since many standard tools from functional analysis like the Hahn-Banach theorem or the Baire category theorem fail without … Continue reading "Hilbert spaces and C*-algebras without Choice"