Ricci flow and diffeomorphism groups of 3-manifolds

A new paper proves the contractibility of the space of constant curvature metrics on all 3-manifolds except possibly real projective space. Bamler, Kleiner: Ricci flow and diffeomorphism groups of 3-manifolds, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1712.06197.pdf The Smale conjecture in its original form asserted that the diffeomorphism group of the 3-sphere deformation retracts onto O(3), the isometry group of its … Continue reading "Ricci flow and diffeomorphism groups of 3-manifolds"

A locally hyperbolic 3-manifold that is not hyperbolic

A preprint with a new example shows that the understanding of infinitely generated Kleinian groups will be more complicated than for the finitely generated ones. Cremaschi: A locally hyperbolic 3-manifold that is not hyperbolic, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1711.11568 By the proofs of hyperbolization and tameness, one knows precisely which irreducible 3-manifolds with finitely generated fundamental groups admit hyperbolic … Continue reading "A locally hyperbolic 3-manifold that is not hyperbolic"

Quasi-isometric groups with no common model geometry

Do quasi-isometries between groups always arise from actions on a common model space? Previous counterexamples invoked central extensions of lattices, e.g., of surface groups. A new construction of infinitely many classes is now using amalgams of surface groups. Stark, Woodhouse: Quasi-isometric groups with no common model geometry, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1711.05026.pdf If a group \(\Gamma\) acts geometrically (i.e., … Continue reading "Quasi-isometric groups with no common model geometry"

A deformation of instanton homology for webs

The four color theorem from graph theory is certainly the most famous problem for which so far only a brute force computational proof exists. A new preprint of Kronheimer-Mrowka supports an approach towards this theorem via homology theories. Kronheimer. Mrowka: A deformation of instanton homology for webs, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1710.05002.pdf The four color theorem says that every … Continue reading "A deformation of instanton homology for webs"

Zimmer’s conjecture for actions of SL(m,Z)

Zimmer’s conjecture aims to extend Margulis’ superrigidity theorem to a nonlinear setting. Except for actions on the circle there has not been much progress in the last 35 years. A new preprint of Brown-Fisher-Hurtado and its predecessor are now settling the conjecture for finite index subgroups of \(SL(n,{\mathbb Z})\) and cocompact lattices in \(SL(n,{\mathbb R})\). … Continue reading "Zimmer’s conjecture for actions of SL(m,Z)"

Quasiconvexity and Dehn filling

One of the most important theorems in 3-manifolds topology is Agol’s Theorem asserting that every closed 3-manifold is virtually fibered and in particular virtually Haken. Agol proved this theorem in early 2012 for closed hyperbolic manifolds. The general (closed) case reduces to hyperbolic manifolds via geometrization. The case of cusped hyperbolic manifolds was left open … Continue reading "Quasiconvexity and Dehn filling"

A rank-one CAT(0) group is determined by its Morse boundary

In this series we will introduce and discuss new preprints that are somehow related to the topics of the programme “Geometry at Infinity”. By incidence, this first article fits not only the topic, but also the title of this blog: the boundary at infinity. Charney, Murray: A rank-one CAT(0) group is determined by its Morse … Continue reading "A rank-one CAT(0) group is determined by its Morse boundary"