The Whitehead manifold and positive scalar curvature

Recall that the Whitehead manifold is a contractible 3-manifold which is not homeomorphic to Euclidean 3-space (Wikipedia entry). It was proven by Chang-Weinberger-Yu (link) that the Whitehead manifold can not admit a complete metric of uniformly positive scalar curvature. Last year their result was strengthened by Jian Wang in arXiv:1805.03544 to the statement that the Whitehead manifold can … Continue reading "The Whitehead manifold and positive scalar curvature"

Coarse embeddings and non-positive curvature

Let \((X,d)\) be a complete, geodesic metric space. \((X,d)\) is called an Alexandrov space of global non-positive curvature if for every quadruple of points \(x,y,z,w\) such that \(w\) is a metric midpoint of \(x\) and \(y\), i.e., \(d(w,x) = d(w,y) = d(x,y)/2\), we have \[d(z,w)^2 + d(x,y)^2/4 \le d(z,x)^2/2 + d(z,y)^2/2.\] If the reverse inequality … Continue reading "Coarse embeddings and non-positive curvature"

Non-negative scalar curvature and mean convex boundaries

In a recent preprint ( arXiv:1811.08519 ) E. Barbosa and F. Conrado derive for manifolds with boundary topological obstructions to the existence of non-negative scalar curvature metrics with mean convex boundaries. The boundary of a Riemannian manifold is said to be mean convex, if the mean curvature of it with respect to the outward unit … Continue reading "Non-negative scalar curvature and mean convex boundaries"

Selberg’s lemma and negatively curved Hadamard manifolds

Selberg’s lemma is a fundamental result about linear groups. It states that every finitely generated subgroup of \(\mathrm{GL}(n,K)\), where \(K\) is a field of characteristic zero, is virtually torsion-free (i.e., contains a torsion-free subgroup of finite index). Recently, Michael Kapovich proved that the conclusion of Selberg’s lemma can fail for finitely generated, discrete subgroups of isometry groups … Continue reading "Selberg’s lemma and negatively curved Hadamard manifolds"

Classification of static vacuum black holes

In a series of two papers ( arXiv:1806.00818 and arXiv:1806.00819 ) Martin Reiris Ithurralde classifies all metrically complete solutions of the static vacuum Einstein equations with compact (but not necessarily connected) horizon. Main Theorem Any static vacuum black hole is either a Schwarzschild black hole, a Boost, or of Myers/Korotkin-Nicolai type. Basic definition A static vacuum … Continue reading "Classification of static vacuum black holes"

Strong cosmic censorship conjecture

The cosmic censorship conjectures concern the singularities arising in general relativity. In May the QuantaMagazine published an article (link) about a potential disproof of a strong version of the cosmic censorship conjecture. This article is nicely written and I recommend everybody interested in general relativity reading it. The preprint the QuantaMagazine refers to is arXiv:1710.01722 … Continue reading "Strong cosmic censorship conjecture"

Contractible 3-manifolds and positive scalar curvature

It is known that \(\mathbb{R}^3\) admits a complete metric of uniformly positive scalar curvature. In fact, for any closed manifold \(X\) and any \(k \ge 3\) the manifold \(X \times \mathbb{R}^k\) admits a complete metric of uniformly positive scalar curvature by a result of Rosenberg and Stolz (link). Now there exist contractible, open 3-manifolds which are not … Continue reading "Contractible 3-manifolds and positive scalar curvature"

Stable minimal surfaces in 3-manifolds

Meeks-Pérez-Ros conjectured in their article “Stable constant mean curvature surfaces” (2008) the following: if a closed, connected Riemannian 3-manifold N does not admit any closed, embedded minimal surfaces whose two-sided covering is stable, then N is finitely covered by the 3-sphere. Recall that a surface is called minimal if it is a critical point of … Continue reading "Stable minimal surfaces in 3-manifolds"