Lindelöf hypothesis

Today I stumbled across a news article ( link ) written about someone (actually, Athanassios Fokas – a known mathematician) having announced progress on the Lindelöf hypothesis ( wikipedia ). The Lindelöf hypothesis is related to the Riemannian hypothesis and actually also follows from it – progress on the Lindelöf hypothesis would also mean progress … Continue reading "Lindelöf hypothesis"

Multiplying integers

The classical algorithm, that everyone knows from elementary school, for multiplying two n-digit integers runs in \(O(n^2)\)-time. Recently, there was a preprint posted on HAL (link) in which the authors provide an algorithm which runs in \(O(n\log(n))\)-time. A nice article about this discovery may be found at the QuantaMagazine: link. Further, it was also recently proven in another preprint … Continue reading "Multiplying integers"

Global existence for non-linear wave equations

Non-linear wave equations (in 3+1 dimensions) are ubiquitous in physics, playing a vital role in many subfields of it. There are many methods available to show short-time existence of solutions for such equations, but global-in-time existence is a much more subtle problem. In the 1980s Klainermann introduced a so-called null condition on the nonlinearities of … Continue reading "Global existence for non-linear wave equations"

The Whitehead manifold and positive scalar curvature

Recall that the Whitehead manifold is a contractible 3-manifold which is not homeomorphic to Euclidean 3-space (Wikipedia entry). It was proven by Chang-Weinberger-Yu (link) that the Whitehead manifold can not admit a complete metric of uniformly positive scalar curvature. Last year their result was strengthened by Jian Wang in arXiv:1805.03544 to the statement that the Whitehead manifold can … Continue reading "The Whitehead manifold and positive scalar curvature"

Coarse embeddings and non-positive curvature

Let \((X,d)\) be a complete, geodesic metric space. \((X,d)\) is called an Alexandrov space of global non-positive curvature if for every quadruple of points \(x,y,z,w\) such that \(w\) is a metric midpoint of \(x\) and \(y\), i.e., \(d(w,x) = d(w,y) = d(x,y)/2\), we have \[d(z,w)^2 + d(x,y)^2/4 \le d(z,x)^2/2 + d(z,y)^2/2.\] If the reverse inequality … Continue reading "Coarse embeddings and non-positive curvature"