The \(S^1\)-Stability Conjecture in Dimension 4

Last December I blogged about the \(S^1\)-stability conjecture for psc-metrics (link). Unfortunately, the result I explained there turned out to be wrong: Counter-examples can be found in dimension 4. Dimension 4 is special in the theory of psc-metrics since here one can use Seiberg-Witten theory to find obstructions to the existence of psc-metrics on closed … Continue reading "The \(S^1\)-Stability Conjecture in Dimension 4"

Optimality of Gerver’s Sofa

The moving sofa problem is one of those deceptively simple yet incredibly difficult “real-world” math problems. Despite its straightforward formulation, it has remained unsolved for roughly 60 years—until recently, when Jineon Baek announced a complete solution (arXiv:2411.19826; hopefully, this time the topic I’m blogging about won’t turn out to be incorrect in the end). In … Continue reading "Optimality of Gerver’s Sofa"

The \(S^1\)-Stability Conjecture for psc-Metrics

Jonathan Rosenberg introduced the following conjecture: A closed manifold \(M\) admits a Riemannian metric of positive scalar curvature if and only if the product \(M \times S^1\) admits one. One direction of the conjecture is trivial: If \(M\) admits a psc-metric, then the product metric on \(M \times S^1\) will also have psc. The other … Continue reading "The \(S^1\)-Stability Conjecture for psc-Metrics"

All triangulations have a common stellar subdivision

Already in April a paper was put on the arXiv (2404.05930) by Karim Adiprasito and Igor Pak proving the following result: Every two triangulations of a geometric complex in Euclidean space have a common stellar subdivision. At first I was a bit confused, because my mind connected this to the Hauptvermutung, which was disproven a … Continue reading "All triangulations have a common stellar subdivision"

Rationalized stable homotopy groups of spheres

Computing the stable homotopy groups of spheres \(\pi_*^s\) is a major problem in stable homotopy theory. In chromatic homotopy theory one studies, for every prime \(p\), a tower \[\cdots \to L_n\mathcal{S} \to \cdots \to L_1\mathcal{S} \to \mathcal{S}_\mathbb{Q}\] over the rational sphere spectrum \(\mathcal{S}_\mathbb{Q}\) whose homotopy limit is the \(p\)-localization \(\mathcal{S}_{(p)}\) of the sphere spectrum. Since … Continue reading "Rationalized stable homotopy groups of spheres"