A new paper proves the contractibility of the space of constant curvature metrics on all 3-manifolds except possibly real projective space.
Bamler, Kleiner: Ricci flow and diffeomorphism groups of 3-manifolds, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1712.06197.pdf
The Smale conjecture in its original form asserted that the diffeomorphism group of the 3-sphere deformation retracts onto O(3), the isometry group of its “round” constant curvature metric. It was proved by Hatcher in 1983. Also for hyperbolic 3-manifolds it was proven by Gabai in 2001 that the inclusion of the isometry group into the diffeomorphism group is a homotopy equivalence. Together with other known results for e.g. lens spaces, this gave evidence for the generalized Smale conjecture, asserting that the inclusion of the isometry group into the diffeomorphism group should be a homotopy equivalence for all 3-manifolds of non-zero constant curvature.
The natural action of the diffeomorphism group on the space of constant curvature metrics is transitive (because of rigidity of constant curvature metrics) and defines a fibration with the isometry groups as its fiber. Thus, in view of the long exact homotopy sequence, the weak homotopy equivalence of Isom(X)–>Diff(X) is equivalent to weak contractibility of the space of constant curvature metrics. Because all involved spaces have the homotopy type of CW-complexes, one can replace “weak homotopy equivalence” by “homotopy equivalence” and “weak contractibility” by “contractibility” in this equivalence.
Thus the generalized Smale conjecture reduces to showing that the space of constant curvature metrics has trivial homotopy groups, which this paper proves for all 3-manifolds except the 3-sphere and the real projective space. (And the case of the 3-sphere is of course known from Hatcher.)
The new preprint attacks this problem via Ricci flow. The naive idea to prove vanishing of homotopy groups would be to take a sphere in the space of constant curvature metrics, which (by contractibility of the space of all Riemannian metrics) will bound a ball in the space of Riemannian metrics, and then use Ricci flow to deform this ball into a ball in the space of constant curvature metrics. Of course, this does not work that easily because the Ricci flow will develop singularities along the flow. The main part of the paper consists in analyzing these singularities and showing that the constant curvature metric can be extended over neighborhoods of the singularities.
As the authors point out, their proof also provides an alternative argument for Moscow rigidity. Namely, it shows that the space of constant curvature metrics modulo Isom(X) is connected, which together with the known finiteness implies that it consists of one point only.