The ICM 2018 is currently taking place in Rio de Janeiro. Here are the prize winners of the IMU prizes and of the K-theory foundation, and the new IMU Executive Committee.
The Fields medallists 2018 are
There are also many more prizes and medals that are awarded at the ICM:
- The Gauß Prize goes to David Donoho.
- The Chern Medal goes to Masaki Kashiwara.
- The Nevanlinna Prize goes to Constantinos Daskalakis.
- The Leelavati Prize goes to Ali Nesin.
- The Emmy Noether Lecture is given by Sun-Yung Alice Chang.
Preceding the ICM the K-theory foundation awards at a satellite conference of the ICM its prize.
- The prize winners of the K-theory foundation prize are Benjamin Antieau and Marc Hoyois.
Starting 2019, the IMU Executive Committee will consist of
- Carlos E. Kenig as president,
- Helge Holden as secretary general,
- Nalini Joshi and Loyiso G. Nongxa as vice-presidents, and
- the six members at large are