Wolf Prize in Mathematics 2019

The Wolf Prize in one of the most prestigious prizes in mathematics (Wikipedia entry). This year’s laureates are Prof. Gregory Lawler (Wikipedia, Homepage) and Prof. Jean Francois le Gall (Wikipedia, Homepage). The corresponding press release of the EMS may be found here.

MSJ Geometry Prize 2018

The Geometry Prize 2018 of the Mathematical Society of Japan was awarded to Shouhei Honda for his work on Geometric analysis on convergence of Riemannian manifolds and to Yuji Odaka for his work on Study on K-stability and moduli theory.

Breakthrough Prize 2019

Ten days ago the winners of the Breakthrough Prize 2019 were announced (press release, AMS Blog). In mathematics the award goes to Vincent Lafforgue for “ground-breaking contributions to several areas of mathematics, in particular to the Langlands program in the function field case”. Further, the New Horizons Prize in mathematics goes to Chenyang Xu for “major … Continue reading "Breakthrough Prize 2019"

Shaw Prize 2018

Luis Caffarelli (wikipedia, homepage) from the University of Texas at Austin will receive the Shaw Prize 2018 in Mathematics (press release) for “his groundbreaking work on partial differential equations, including creating a theory of regularity for nonlinear equations such as the Monge–Ampère equation, and free-boundary problems such as the obstacle problem, work that has influenced … Continue reading "Shaw Prize 2018"

Prizes, prizes, prizes

Several prizes have been awarded in the past few weeks to mathematicians. Kyoto Prize The Kyoto Prize 2018 in the category Basic Sciences was awarded to Masaki Kashiwara from the RIMS at Kyoto University. (announcement) The Kyoto Prize is awarded annually to “those who have contributed significantly to the scientific, cultural, and spiritual betterment of mankind” … Continue reading "Prizes, prizes, prizes"

Nemmers Prize 2018

The Frederic Esser Nemmers Prize in Mathematics goes this year to Assaf Naor “for his profound work on the geometry of metric spaces, which has led to breakthroughs in the theory of algorithms.”