Sergei Novikov 1938 – 2024

A week ago Sergei Novikov passed away. He was a notable mathematician working in topology. The conjecture he posed in 1965 about the homotopy invariance of higher signatures of manifolds is one of the most important unsolved problem about the topology of manifolds. An obituary (in Russian) may be found here: link.

Kervaira invariant one problem

Last month a solution to the Kervaire invariant one problem in the final remaining dimension 126 was announced (link to a mathstodon post). I have already mentioned this problem in an earlier post here: link (2nd paragraph about the 2-line). edit (17th Dec 2024): The preprint is now on the arXiv:2412.10879.

Shaw Prize 2024

The Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences 2024 is awarded to Peter Sarnak for his development of the arithmetic theory of thin groups and the affine sieve, by bringing together number theory, analysis, combinatorics, dynamics, geometry and spectral theory.

Rationalized stable homotopy groups of spheres

Computing the stable homotopy groups of spheres \(\pi_*^s\) is a major problem in stable homotopy theory. In chromatic homotopy theory one studies, for every prime \(p\), a tower \[\cdots \to L_n\mathcal{S} \to \cdots \to L_1\mathcal{S} \to \mathcal{S}_\mathbb{Q}\] over the rational sphere spectrum \(\mathcal{S}_\mathbb{Q}\) whose homotopy limit is the \(p\)-localization \(\mathcal{S}_{(p)}\) of the sphere spectrum. Since … Continue reading "Rationalized stable homotopy groups of spheres"

Ars legendi-Fakultätenpreis Mathematik 2024

Der diesjährige Ars legendi-Fakultätenpreis für exzellente Hochschullehre in der Mathematik geht an Prof. Anselm Knebusch. Prof. Anselm Knebusch von der Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart setzt das innovative Konzept des “computerbasierten Lernens im Hörsaal” ein, um der Heterogenität der Studienanfänger in der Mathematikausbildung der Ingenieursstudiengänge zu begegnen. Zur Aktivierung der Studierenden wird der neue Ansatz des … Continue reading "Ars legendi-Fakultätenpreis Mathematik 2024"